The first impression is always the most important, because there is no second chance for a first impression!
For this reason, we should take time for you during your first visit to our dental practice in Dreieich. In addition to the personal consultation, all relevant findings are first recorded and then discussed with you in detail.
This includes:
Detailed examination of the teeth
Visualization and documentation of the findings using an intraoral camera
Caries diagnosis using a fluorescence camera
Detailed examination of the oral mucosa
In-depth examination of the gums using a screening procedure
Functional analytical measures, if necessary
First recording and naming of aesthetically relevant factors
Digital X-ray diagnostics
If this initial check-up reveals that further diagnostic measures are indicated, a follow-up appointment will be arranged with you.
Our treatment concept
Based on the synoptic treatment concept, you will undergo treatment phases that build on each other. The treatment phases will be explained to you in more detail at your first appointment.
Some treatment phases are strictly prescribed and subjected to a certain sequence other phases run in parallel or describe an 'optional' service that does not necessarily have to be used. The optimal therapy solutions will be discussed with you, but alternative treatment options will also be shown.
Before each treatment appointment you will receive a detailed list of the costs. If necessary, it makes sense to make several appointments at once in order to go through the phases in a tight schedule. Thus the desired treatment goal can be achieved faster.
smileDentity - The Centre for Aesthetic-reconstructive Dentistry in Dreieich-Sprendlingen unites the various specialist areas of dentistry in such a way that optimal conditions for aesthetic-reconstructive dental procedures are created through their coordination.
The success of such a synoptic treatment concept, as it is pursued so consistently by really only very few dentists, lies in the exact multidimensional recording of the patient and the application of all relevant plus innovative therapies from one source and thus lead to tailor-made treatment goals. The treatment methods follow international standards and are very smooth and gentle.
Inform yourself about the various services of smileDentity.