Dentist Dreieich - Functional diagnostics and therapy

Functional diagnostics and therapy from your dentist

Cranio-mandibular dysfunction is an umbrella term for structural, functional, biochemical and psychological regulatory or functional disorders. These are partly painful or non-painful in nature. Disturbances of the bite conditions (occlusopathy = false bite), the masticatory muscles (myopathy) and the temporomandibular joint (arthropathy) have to be distinguished.

An incorrect bite causes a malposition of the jaw, e.g. due to displacement of the teeth, orthodontic over-regulation or defective bridges, crowns and prostheses, as well as improper filling therapy.

Disturbances in the masticatory system can lead to serious health problems, because the masticatory system, as one of the most complicated systems in the human body, is closely connected to the head, spine, brain and other organs.

Symptoms that can be triggered by a false bite

  • gnashing of teeth
  • tooth pressing
  • temporomandibular joint pain
  • earaches
  • headaches
  • backaches
  • tinnitus
  • dizziness
  • migraine
  • shoulder tensions
  • hip complaint
  • Knee silk, etc.

Signs such as painful chewing movements, limited mouth opening, tooth migration and loosening, worn or scored teeth, gum and bone loss, nocturnal respiratory problems, shoulder and neck pain, visual disturbances, mood swings and depression may also indicate such problems.

After individual findings, a multi-layered clinical picture can present itself which, for example, should be treated interdisciplinary by dentists, orthopaedists, ear, nose and throat specialists, osteopaths, physiotherapists, neurologists and psychologists. This additional consultation therapy is individually tailored to you and coordinated by us for you. Only the dentist verifies which dysfunction is present and which therapeutic measures are indicated by means of a clinical functional analysis.

An important trigger for craniomandibular dysfunction is stress. Especially under this aspect the holistic-medical point of view becomes clear.

The extensive diagnostics is often followed by the preparation of a special dental splint. This splint relaxes the hardened muscles and relieves other involved structures. Depending on the diagnosed clinical picture, further necessary treatment measures are then carried out. Under certain circumstances and even very often, a lasting and stable therapy success can only be achieved by a complete change and thus reconstruction of the bite conditions.

The initial changes and signs of wear in the complex dental system are very often overlooked, the consequences are fatal and inevitably lead to a regulatory or functional disorder. A trained eye recognizes a dysfunction in its early stages. Exactly then an immediate therapy is necessary, here the manifest dysfunction can be counteracted with minimally invasive techniques. A targeted insertion therapy of individual teeth, the replacement of an unsuitable filling or the reconstruction of the canines to restore physiological anterior and posterior canine guidance are among the less costly but very effective measures. Orthodontics, oral surgery or a complete prosthetic reconstruction of the masticatory system describe the more invasive forms of therapy, which can even be combined depending on the indication.
Early detection protects you from further damage and costly and expensive therapeutic measures.

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Functional diagnostics and therapy from your dentist
smileDentity - your dentist in Dreieich

Dentist - Functional diagnostics and therapy

Disturbances in the masticatory system can lead to serious health problems, because the masticatory system, as one of the most complicated systems in the human body, is closely connected to the head, spine, brain and other organs. Don't let it matter.
smileDentity - Zahnarztpraxis in Dreieich
Office hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
08:00 - 13:00 and 14:00 - 19:00

Wednesday 08:00 - 15:30
Friday 08:00 - 13:00

Saturday by appointment


Hauptstraße 45 - 63303 Dreieich

+49 6103 99 56 000
+49 6103 99 56 003
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